Historical photos of mountains geographically based in Pakistan including K2, Nanga Parbat, Broad Peak, Mitre Peak, Baltoro Glacier and Biafo Glacier.
All the Photographs taken below are from the book of a French scholar Jean Escarra’s IMAGES de L’HIMALAYA, published in 1935.
K2 – 8,611m
K2 also known as Godwin Austen was discovered for the first time by Col. T.G. Montgomerie in 1856. It was given the name K2 because it was second mountain in the range measured, Masherbrum being K1 measured at 7,821m and located in Ghanche District of Gilgit Baltistan.

Nanga Parbat – 8,126
Nanga Parbat also known as Diamer is the 9th highest in world and second highest in Pakistan with located in Gilgit-Baltistan region and it is an isolated mountain range surrounded by Indus river and astore valley, that’s why it is called Nanga Parbat(Naked Mountain).

Broad Peak – 8,047m
The 12th highest in world and 4th highest in Pakistan is part of Gaherbrum massif on border of Pak-China and is just 8km from K2.

Baltoro Glacier – 63km long
It is located in Gilgit-Baltistan region and lies under Karakoram range. It is a house to four 8-thousanders of forteen. K2, Gasherbrum I, Broad Peak and Gasherbrum II.

Biafo Glacier – 67km
Situated in Gilgit Baltistan region.